Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Weekend of Baby Showers

Alison and I had a very busy and fun weekend recently! We are so fortunate to have such a wonderful group of friends. Our Wheeler girls (and Sarah!) hosted a brunch in honor of the impending arrivals of Hayes Alan Stephens and Emery Catherine Slagel at Harry Bissett's in Buckhead last Saturday. Alison and I were so touched that they wanted to do this for us that we specifically said "NO GIFTS!" As you can see from the picture, they didn't listen! Each guest brought a bib (and some other items) to the brunch--so cute! Cindy made precious bunny bibs and Sarah got her bibs monogrammed. They are all adorable. We were also given picture frames that everyone signed for Emery and Hayes. Mine is already prominently displayed in Emery's nursery. I can't wait for her to meet all of her "aunts!" Meri purchased "Mommy's Sippy Cups" for Alison and me--precious painted wine glasses. Do you think taking that and a bottle of vino to the hospital with me when I deliver Emmy Cate would be frowned upon? Thanks, girls, for a wonderful afternoon.

Sunday afternoon we had another joint shower hosted by some women we have known our entire lives! Alison and I grew up in a neighborhood that was full of little kids all about the same age. You know the expression "it takes a village?" That was the philosophy! All of us kids would run around all day and the moms would keep an eye on everyone--not just their own children. We've all grown up, gotten married and are having babies but we still keep in touch. In fact, other than me and a few others, most of the kids and all of the parents still live in the Atlanta area so we are lucky enough to see each other at least a few times each year. Thank you, Mrs. Hoffman and Mrs. Cobb! The shower was gorgeous.

Alison and me in front of our "no gifts" at Harry Bissett's.
The crew--Elizabeth, Sarah, Kriya, Tara, Meri, Cindy, Alison, me and Lindsay. Paige, we missed you!
Clubhouse of Atlanta Country Club--where the 2nd shower was held. Alison and I spent all of middle school, high school and some of college living right down the street from this clubhouse, so it's always fun to go back to the old 'hood and check things out. We used to walk Baggins through this very parking lot every evening.

Mom, Nanny, me and Alison (and Emery and Hayes)

Dueling bumps--check out the cute cakes in the background.

Emery's exersaucer!

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