Thursday, April 23, 2009

My nephew--Hayes Alan Stephens

Alison FINALLY gave birth Monday, April 20th, to a beautiful baby boy. Hayes Alan Stephens entered this world at 2:56 weighing 7 lbs, 1 oz and measuring 21.25 inches long. He is absolutely perfect. Unfortunately for Alison, the delivery was under less than ideal circumstances and she ended up with a C-section.....but one look at Hayes and all that is forgotten. Alison and Hayes are being discharged this evening. I was in Atlanta from Sunday through Wednesday and hope to be back down this weekend to see the little guy again. He is so precious!
The night before......Brian brought dinner from Seasons 52.
Hayes wasn't handling the contractions very well, so a C-section was scheduled. Daddy bravely suited up to go into the OR. He did a great job! Brian was very apprehensive about witnessing surgery, but he even managed to get great pictures and a video.....and didn't faint!

Mom and Dad (Oma and Opa) are instantly in love with their first grandchild.

Hayes is so lovable and snuggly.

Chilling on his Boppy. Hayes is the most alert newborn I have ever met. His eyes are always open and he actually tracks movements and turns towards sounds.

The incredibly proud and smitten aunt.

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