Thursday, October 4, 2012

Emery's First Movie

Emery has been in love with "Finding Nemo" for about a year and a half.  I recorded it one night on ABC Family and I couldn't believe the immediate obsession.  It is the first movie she ever watched from start to finish and she wanted to watch it continuously.  Good thing Mommy happens to like the movie, too.  Dory is Emery's favorite character.  We even named our Betta "Dory" last summer--and she's still with us!  I was thrilled to learn that "Finding Nemo" was being rereleased in theaters--in 3D!  I've never seen a 3D flick and Emery had never been to a movie in a theater.  We had to go.  So, last Sunday we had a date with Nemo, Marlin, Dory, Bruce, Nigel, Peach, Chum and the others.

 We had a little photo session before we left.  Emery wore her Bruce tee shirt and brought along her enormous Nemo.

 3D glasses.  These are mine.  Emery's were smaller and blue, but she wanted to wear mine.

We made it through the entire movie!  Yay!  Thankfully, the theater was almost empty as Emery really enjoyed running up and down the stairs and climbing over the seats.  However, she was reasonably quiet and got a kick out of seeing these well-loved Pixar friends on the big screen.  She also got a kick out of her Coke, popcorn and m&m's. 

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