Thursday, December 2, 2010

Santa at Phipps and The Pink Pig

Tis the season to scare the poop out of your children! Alison and I took Hayes and Emery to their Santa at Phipps appointment yesterday, which resulted in panic attacks for the kiddos. Last year they both sat on the jolly guy's lap and smiled. This year, not so much. I kind of figured this would happen, but not to this extent! Emery is usually pretty daring and friendly. I thought she might be a little apprehensive, but I did not anticipate her screaming and flailing. Thankfully, they recovered quickly and the rest of the afternoon was splendid. We ate lunch, threw pennies in the fountain and rode the Pink Pig! The Pink Pig is probably confusing to those of you not from Atlanta.....I guess it's actually a little strange even being from Atlanta. I'm not exactly sure how a big pink pig train coincides with Christmas, but it's been around since 1959. Alison and I used to ride the Pink Pig every year when we were little. Back then it was at Rich's downtown and the train was on top of the building, suspended by a rail and it circled the enormous Rich's Christmas tree. Well, now Rich's is Macy's and the pig has moved to a tent at Lenox Mall's Macy's. I guess the pig decided she would rather be in Buckhead. Not exactly the same, but still an Atlanta rite of passage. Emery and Hayes really enjoyed it.

Heartbreaking! Thankfully, Santa took it all in stride. The Santa at Phipps is incredible.

Nanny smoothing things over with candy canes and potato chips

Fear makes Emery hungry. EVERYTHING makes Emery hungry.

My parents and Nanny joined us on our adventure. Good thing! Even outnumbered 2.5:1, Hayes and Emery ran circles around us. They had so much fun playing on the stairs at the movie theater inside the mall. Thankfully, Dad watched them do this while the ladies ate. However, every now again one of them would get loose and sprint over to the food court.

Lenox has this digital mat out on display with all these fun scenes....popcorn, coffee beans, water, soccer balls, stars, etc. The kids thought this was way cool.
The Pink Pig!

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