Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Christmas Morning

My sister and I really wanted Hayes and Emery to experience Santa together, so Ben, Emery and I stayed with Alison, Brian and Hayes on Christmas Eve. Alison and I can't help but treat Hayes and Emery like twins....they're only seven weeks apart and besides, it's what we know! Late at night after two very tired munchkins finally went to sleep, the mommies and daddies stayed up and arranged/assembled their Santa gifts. Such fun! These motorized trucks were the big gift....so funny to see them zoom around chasing each other or pulling each other in the cargo space.

Alison is actually 17 weeks pregnant and is expecting a girl in June! We are so excited for another precious baby to join the family. Although Ben and I had thought we would wait a bit longer before trying for another baby, the pressure is on to give Alison's new baby a "cuz" close in age. YIKES!
The trucks and tricycles
Ben having a late night cocktail while admiring his handiwork

Emery usually sleeps in until at least 8 most mornings, but she was up at 7 on Christmas! How did she know? I tried to stall her and keep her upstairs until Hayes awoke, but she glanced downstairs and saw a new Elmo ball amongst her pile of gifts and it was game over. I had to wake Hayes and my sister. Actually, Emery screaming "Elmo! Elmo! Elmo!" woke them.

Emmy's loot

Cuz and Bobbles on their Mack trucks

Mom, Spark-e and Hayes helped Maddux go through his stocking

I think she's going to be a tomboy

Then again, she does love her new baby doll, stroller and dollhouse....

I think my family's obsession with the Griswolds has reached unhealthy levels. Alison special ordered Clark moose mugs so that we could have "mimoosas" with breakfast.

My brother in law is a huge Vikings fan

See above post. Last year Alison surprised Brian with this huge inflatable Vike. What's that white stuff on the ground!?!?! Atlanta had its first white Christmas in 128 years. I am so glad that this was our year to be in Atlanta so that we could experience this historic southern snow. It really did feel more festive.
Greenville got snow, too! This is what we saw as we pulled in our driveway on the 26th. I never thought I'd get to see my house with snow AND Christmas decorations. That just doesn't happen down here. Usually, if we're going to get any snow it's in February and it's icy, not this pretty and white. But now the snow can go away and warm up. Emery has lots of new outdoor toys she wants to try out!
Merry Christmas! This holiday season has been magical. I know next year will be even better as Emery can begin to understand the true meaning of Christmas.

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