Monday, December 27, 2010

Christmas Eve

This year we celebrated Christmas with my family in Atlanta, which means that Christmas Eve was spent at my Uncle Greg and Aunt Donna's house with all the cousins, second cousins, grandparents and friends. Such a fun evening....Greg and Donna always prepare a spectacular feast and plan something fun for the kids (and the adults!). This year the big surprise was that Santa made a stop at their house and had presents for everyone. We enticed Santa to the house by spreading reindeer food on the lawn after dinner. It worked! Santa's first stop in all of metro Atlanta was on Bollingbrook Road in Marietta. Incredible! The fun for the adults was a gingerbread house contest. I must admit that this contest actually caused much stress for the adults in the week leading up to Christmas Eve, but the end results were pretty spectacular.
Emery received a Mrs. Potato Head from Santa

Donna telling Santa that she has been a good girl this year

Sprinkling the reindeer food outside (birdseed)

Shawn's gingerbread entry is Uga's house.....notice all the mortally wounded SEC mascots bleeding all over the field. Go Dawgs!
The Slagel entry! I attempted to recreate the Griswold house....8805 Skyline Drive, Chicago

Greg and Donna made an exact replica of their own house. Very impressive!

The other entries...check out Alicia's Polar Express train that she made without a kit. I think all but two of the entries were made entirely from scratch. I couldn't believe it. I was kind of banking on the fact that mine was enormous and made without a kit giving me bonus points with the judge, but one of the kit entries actually won. Redo!
Speaking of the Griswolds, my crazy uncle cut down a tree from his own front yard to use as a Christmas tree this year. No squirrels, but he did break the front porch lights when hauling it inside. "Little full, lot of sap."

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