Emery loves those Office Max "Elf Yourself" videos. I think these might be her favorite part of the holiday season thus far (besides snowmen....more on that in a minute). My sister made a Jib-Jab video using Hayes and Emery as the elves. Emery got such a kick out of it (and so did I) that I made another one using her
Slagel cousins, Uncle Jerry and Daddy as the elf faces. It's pretty funny. I would post it on here but it's $4.99 to download and, frankly, I'm just too cheap to shell out five bucks when I can just fire up my email and see the video there.

Emery watching herself and Hayes as elves.....for about the fifteenth time.

As I mentioned above, Emery is obsessed with snowmen this year. She adores them. We have to walk
Maddux by our neighbor's house every day so that Emery can wave and point to the enormous inflatable snowman in their yard. I believe Sam's Club sells those huge snowmen and I was tempted to get one, but then I found this smaller version at
Publix and decided that this is more my style. The snowman is meant to go outdoors, but Emmy enjoys having it inside.

Going to give the snowman a high five

Emery has become somewhat of a picky eater these past few months. She still eats weird items for a baby (
wasabi peas are her favorite and she's also fond of beef jerky), but no longer eats vegetables except when they are in beef stew. Since I'm not about to prepare beef stew every night, I researched how to get your child to eat vegetables.
The Sneaky Chef to the rescue! I bought this book at Barnes & Noble and the basic idea is to make vegetable purees and sneak them into your child's meals. It works! I've even been doing it with my food as well because I know for certain that I do not eat as well as I should. We've stocked our freezer with green puree (spinach, peas and
broccoli), orange puree (sweet potatoes and carrots), and white puree (zucchini and cauliflower). So far we've added the purees to Spaghettio's, jambalaya, quesadillas, beef stew and berry smoothies. Success! If any of you have picky eaters on your hands, or just want to find ways to sneak more vegetables into your own diet, check out The Sneaky Chef. Above is a picture of Emmy enjoying her smoothie completely oblivious to the fact that it's laced with spinach, peas and broccoli.
Emery attended the first birthday party of Aven and Hudson Kennemore (twins!) last weekend and had her first "Build A Bear" experience. What a great party! Kim arranged for the bear making company (Duck Duck Goose in Greer) to come to their house and outdid herself with the bear-themed party. Emery chose to make a monkey. I don't know what is so special about this monkey, but she takes it everywhere with her! Publix, the playground, Chick-fil-A, gymnastics, etc. Here she is at the birthday party giving her new BFF a hug.