Thursday, November 11, 2010

Emery's First Date

Emery and her boyfriend, Davis, enjoyed their first date at the country club Wednesday evening. It was a last minute plan, but thankfully they were both free. Mommy and Daddy chaperoned, along with Davis's mommy and daddy--our friends Casey and Reggie. Emery is about a month older than Davis (he likes older women) and they play so well together. Davis was a perfect gentleman. Here's hoping he calls....he's still in his three day window. Fingers crossed!
Started off with warm rolls....
Took a break to run around the lobby....

Admired the pumpkin carving contest winners....

Returned for their entrees....

Emmy wanted to call Davis but Mommy gave her a lesson on how to play the game! Hee hee. She's starting young!

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