Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Emery is 2 weeks old!

Emmy is two weeks old as of yesterday. She's had a busy second week! Her Atlanta grandparents came up for the day Monday so that Mom could help me take Emery to the pediatrician for her second appointment and run a bunch of errands. We went to the post office, Starbucks and Publix and Emery was an absolute angel. She really seemed to enjoy getting out of the house and seeing all the new sights and sounds. The pediatrician's visit went really well. We are so thankful for our healthy baby girl! Emery is tipping the scales at a whopping 9 lbs, 8 oz. The doc was very pleased with how she is doing and we do not have to go back for another six weeks--at which point Emery will be due for her first shots. Ugh. I am already dreading that. I want to cry just thinking about it!

Kriya, Alicia and Wade came to visit yesterday to meet Emery and to help me out. I am forever in debt to them! Alicia held Emery for close to three hours while she napped and Kriya did a bunch of laundry while I finally managed to write a few thank you notes and fill out Emery's birth certificate paperwork. Then, Alicia went to the post office with my completed paperwork while I took a nice long shower. HEAVEN! The icing on the cake was that Kriya took a bunch of pictures of Emery that are just gorgeous. Kriya does this as a hobby, but I think she could make a career of it. Thanks, girls!

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