Monday, July 6, 2009

Emmy's Third Week of Life

Emmy's third week with us has been a busy one! We've had very fun visitors and a memorable Independence Day. Tara and Nando came up from Atlanta for the day on Friday and Emery took her first trip to my favorite deli here in Greenville, Saffron's. The weather was gorgeous so we were able to sit outside (in case Emery had a meltdown). But she was an angel! So far, so good on her public outings. Apparently she is only a total diva when at the house. WOW. Emery is taking "Heinz maintenance" to a new level. Fiesty! Hard to imagine when looking at her sweet face, but she is quite demanding. Our little princess definitely has both mommy and daddy wrapped around her little finger. Saturday, July 4th, Ben's good friend from Michigan, Tim, and his lovely bride, Jessica, stopped by Greenville on their way back to Michigan from Charleston for the afternoon and night. I hope they had a good time! At the very least, it wasn't boring. After an uneventful day on the boat, Ben suggested that we go up Paris Mountain to watch the fireworks displays all over town. We loaded up the car and Emery and headed out. No sooner had we arrived at our viewing spot when Ben somehow managed to shut his right thumb in the car door. Apparently he actually slammed the door because his thumb is mangled. Blood was squirting everywhere and Ben was clearly in a lot of pain. Off to the ER we went. Ben's thumb was squished like a cherry tomato. The doc was not able to stitch it up. But even worse, the bone is broken! Well, that's one way to get out of diaper duty. Having a newborn and a disabled husband is proving to be a lot of work. But Ben is trying to help as much as he can. Here's hoping for a speedy recovery! Shockingly, the ER wasn't nearly as packed as I figured it would be for the Fourth of July. Ben was in and out in less than three hours. I waited in the car with Jessica and Emery (I was afraid to take my brand new baby into an ER--gross!) while Timmy went inside with Ben. Anyways, I think Emery knew that Mommy's nerves were shot by this point (sleep deprivation, blood, worry and fear that her husband was going to be totally out of commission for weeks on end) because she did not cry ONCE the entire time we were in the parking lot.
A vision in pink. The diva snoozes. You can't really tell in the picture, but her footies are ballet slippers. Presh!
Ben and I are so exhausted 24/7 that we are becoming narcoleptic. Emmy loves sleeping on her daddy! Ben has the magic touch when it comes to getting her to sleep. He's way better at it than I am.

Nando, Tara and Baby Calvo. I can't wait to find out what they're having next month!

Screaming baby
Jess and Emery
Emmy sleeps on her boppy while Daddy elevates and ices his injury.

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