Thursday, September 25, 2008

Fall Fun

Here in Greenville we have a store (actually, it's a chain of four stores) called Twigs. I am in love with this store! Once a month, on a Tuesday, Twigs conducts two demonstrations (one decorating and one cooking) and serves a scrumptuous dinner....with open bar. My friend, Dana, and I decided to attend this past Tuesday's class together. The class was titled "The Harvest Table." I had such fun! And of course I purchased many of the items the decorator used in her display and tried to recreate my own version at home. Below are the pictures. In addition to the tablescape materials, I also purchased two pumpkins made out of grapevine and embellished with ribbon and feathers to go on the fireplace. I'm telling you, this store has everything and does everything......they will even come out to your house and do your holiday decorating for you.....fresh greenery around your door and each window, up your banister, on your mantle, etc. I'm sure that is not cheap, though, so I don't see that in my future. I just adore this time of year. You know it's fall when Starbucks breaks out the pumpkin spice lattes. Even though it was hot as blue blazes here yesterday, I was sipping on said pumpkin spice latte while playing with my twigs and gourds. Hee hee. That sounds kind of naughty!

I couldn't resist! I bought about ten pounds of Halloween candy to fill my festive Halloween bowls. Now if I could just stop eating it! I chewed so much Double Bubble yesterday that my jaw aches today. And the Baby Ruths, Snickers, 3 Musketeers and Reese's aren't doing my waistline any favors!
The pumpkins are in the background.....doesn't that cat statue look just like Atticus? Ben and I had a good laugh the other night when Atty jumped up on the ottoman to give that statue a good sniff. It was like he was looking into a mirror. A shrinking mirror.
Oh, the link to Twigs is Check it out!

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