Friday, April 8, 2011

Greenville Zoo and chalking

After a solid week of chilly rain, we are finally back to beautiful warm, sunny days. To celebrate, Emery and I joined Davis and Harper at the zoo and have also spent many hours drawing with sidewalk chalk in the driveway. Both activities are tons of fun! Ta-da! Emery is proud of her design
Hard at work with her "lellow" chalk
Harper and Emery take a rest in front of the owl exhibit at Greenville Zoo
Sitting on the bear statue
Hot! Emery pounded an entire juice and a full "moo" during our excursion
Sweet little faces at the giraffe habitat

So sweet. Emery and Harper are such good friends. Emery asks for Harper all the time and as soon as I pull into the parking lot at gymnastics every Tuesday morning, Emery starts yelling, "Harper! Harper!"
When she's not asking to play with Harper, Emery is pining for her boyfriend, Davis.

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