Monday, September 7, 2009

More Grand Haven Excitement--Dad's 60th birthday!

My dad turned the big 6-0 while we were all together in Grand Haven....Dad's birthday is August 30th. My mother-in-law sneakily had this incredible cake made and surprised Dad (all of us, really!) after dinner at the Spring Lake Country Club. The cake was looked just like a real Delta jet. For those of you who don't know (and are wondering why on earth someone would want a replica of a commercial airliner for a birthday cake), Dad was a pilot with Delta for 25 years. He retired several years ago but flying is definitely in his blood. The cake was so special--and tasted great!
The birthday boy and the super cool cake.

Emery with her Uncle Jerry, Aunt Korey and Austin at the legendary Fricano's Pizzeria.

As I mentioned in my previous post, the weather in Michigan last weekend was FREEZING. We took Austin to the playground and had to bundle up like it was the middle of winter. Well, the middle of winter in South Carolina......early autumn for the Great Lakes region.

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