Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Emmy and the Exersaucer

Ben and I were like ships passing in the night last week. Ben headed up to Baltimore to visit his younger brother for the weekend and then went directly to El Paso for work for the week. Meanwhile, I headed up to Notre Dame the same day that Ben came home from El Paso. All in all, Ben did not see Emery for TEN DAYS. I would die. I don't know how he did it. I mean, I miss her if I leave her for two hours! Needless to say, when Ben came home from work last night and saw Emmy for the first time since leaving town, he made a bee line for her. And she seemed just as glad to see him.

Catching up with Daddy
We put Emery in her exersaucer for the first time last night and she loved it! Ben and I were able to eat an entire meal uninterrupted while she played. And this morning I was able to fold a whole load of laundry while she entertained herself in it. What a lifesaver!

I couldn't believe how quickly Emmy caught on....she was pushing buttons and spinning wheels almost immediately. And smiling and laughing. PRECIOUS!

She's a little too short to reach the ground in it, so we had to improvise and shove some magazines under her feet. Oh well, it's not like I have much time to read anymore.....the magazines better get use somehow.

Hmmm....she took a few minutes to take it all in before she went nuts playing with everything.

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