Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Cheer, Cheer for Old Notre Dame!

What a whirlwind weekend! Alison and I loaded up Hayes and Emery and flew to Indianapolis last Friday where we then rented a car and drove three hours north to South Bend. Whew! This was Emery's second time flying and Hayes's first. The babies were extremely well behaved on the airplane....all weekend, actually. We are so fortunate. Anyways, once on campus we met up with Mom, Dad, Nanny, Spark-e and Maddux (they drove from Atlanta so that the dogs could join us). The next morning, Alison's hubby met up with us. Seriously, I don't know how we kept track of everyone. Saturday was gorgeous.......and the Irish FINALLY beat Michigan State in our own stadium. It's been years (I think 16) since ND prevailed over the Spartans in Notre Dame Stadium. Making the victory even sweeter is that Alison and I got to spend time with our dear friend and former roomie, Liz, and her wonderful husband, Dan. I can't remember the last time I laughed so hard--but in the interest of keeping this blog PG, I will refrain from repeating the story Liz shared that had all of us wetting our pants. Just know that I am still laughing about it. In addition to our college roommate, two of Dad's college dorm mates were also in attendance. Gary (Phrogg) flew up from Dallas and Dan (Mini) came in from DC to partake in the festivities. I love that my dad still keeps in touch with his college friends.....and I know that Alison and I will, too. Monica and Katie, you two had better get your rumps to a game with us next year!

Hayes and Emmy napping Sunday morning....poor little things were wiped out!

Celebrating our big win at the tailgate.

Perfect football Saturday in South Bend. How funny that South Bend has some of the worst weather in the country yet football Saturdays are almost always gorgeous.

Class of 2031!

Dad with his grandbabies and Gary/Phrogg

The Stephens family in front of Alumni Hall.

Me with Liz, Maddux and Emery.
Taking a break on "God Quad" (so named because this is the quad that houses Sacred Heart Basilica and statues of Mary and Jesus).

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