Friday, December 26, 2008

Merry Christmas!

Ben and I spent Christmas in Atlanta this year with my crazy family. As you can see in the picture below, this year's Christmas Eve celebration at Aunt Donna and Uncle Greg's house included home made pinatas. Hilarious. First of all, every one (or at least every couple) was supposed to bring a pinata. Ben and I couldn't agree on what to make so ended up doing one each. As much as this pains me to admit, Ben's pinata was REALLY good. He made a replica of Atticus and it was purr-fect. Hee hee. When he first suggested the idea I thought "no way!" I wanted no part of what I was certain would become a paper mache disaster. But, he proved me wrong. And my "simple" idea of making a globe turned out to be much harder than I anticipated. But all the pinatas were fun for the kids to smash and looks didn't seem to matter to them as long as candy was falling down from the ceiling. Amazingly, no one got whacked in the privates or on the noggin. We had a few close calls, but no real candidates for "America's Funniest Home Videos."

Cae attempts to break Alison and Brian's Christmas tree star.

Alison and I received a very special surprise from Santa Christmas morning. As most of you know, Nanny hails from London and quite a few of her British traits have been embraced by Alison and me. We had both mentioned in passing (probably before we were even pregnant!) that we thought the traditional British prams were super cool. Alison and I were carted around in a traditional pram (thanks to Nanny) and Nanny even had Silver Cross prams (the Rolls Royce of strollers, if you will) for Mom and Uncle Greg. Mom and Dad tracked down (apparently they are hard to find these days) a boutique that special ordered these prams months ago for us. Mom was distraught because she didn't think they were going to arrive in time for Christmas, but lo and behold, they were delivered late Christmas Eve. Poor Dad spent the morning hastily trying to figure out how to put them together (not one, but two) so that Alison and I could be surprised when we did gifts. I think Dad was having flashbacks of all those years of trying to put togethers bikes, scooters, etc. in the middle of the night so that Santa could take all the credit. Anyways, we LOVE the prams! Ben and Brian didn't get nearly as excited as the mommies-to-be, but they did appreciate the "fine engineering" of the pram. That is a direct quote from Brian, by the way!

For all our pregnant friends.....the prams are made by Inglesina. Here is the link:

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