Thursday, February 23, 2012

Settling in at home

Time is flying by. I can't believe Bodie is already eight days old. We've had a busy six days at home--mostly good! Bodie and I came home from the hospital on a Friday evening and then Ben's parents arrived Saturday evening just as my parents were leaving town. Emery has been thoroughly spoiled and I am thrilled that all of the grandparents were able to meet Bodie when he was still just a teeny tiny newborn. Ben and I have been well taken care of--lots of prepared meals from the grandmothers and neighbors and a very entertained Emery has made for a smooth transition to life with two children--for the most part. I guess all the preparation in the world can't truly offset a jealous two and a half year old. Emery has adjusted well in that she is super sweet to Bodie. I was so worried that she would take her aggression out on him (and she still may), but she has been nothing but gentle and kind to her baby brother. However, she has moments with Ben and me (especially me) that are extremely challenging. I keep telling myself that this will pass but my heart breaks to have to punish her when I know she's acting out because of all the change that's occuring in her life. We've let a lot of things slide this week but know that she's got to get back on track or life is going to be miserable! AUGH! At least Bodie continues to be the world's easiest baby: eat, poop, sleep. He is a total joy...and SO cute!

Dr. Emery tending to her baby brother

I try to pump every few days so that Bodie can be given a bottle. I want to make sure I can leave him for longer than two hours with a sitter!

Bodie and his Grandpa Slagel. I think Bodie tends to favor Ben's dad in the looks department.

First doctor's appointment--five days old. Though not back to his birth weight, Bodie had gained weight since leaving the hospital. Everything looks good!

Incredible weather this week. Ben supervised Emery, Harper and Davis while the mommies (and Bodie) had some girl talk time. Please notice that Emery and Harper are wearing a princess dress and a tutu (respectively) while digging in the dirt. Too funny.

Bodie--8 days old. My super talented and very kind cousin, Kriya, drove up from Atlanta with her sister (my other wonderful cousin, Alicia, who spent the entire afternoon putting together Emery's new play kitchen) and two young children to bring my family dinner and to do a photo shoot of Bodie. Kriya is an amazing photographer. She claims she only wants to do this as a hobby, but I think she should go into business. Anyways, I hovered around and snapped a few pictures with my camera as well.

Who would have ever thought I could take nearly naked baby pictures outside in February!?!?!? The weather gods were smiling on me today! 74 degrees and sunny. GORGEOUS! Emery played outside all day and went to bed super early. ;-) I love how fresh air tires out the kiddos.

Kriya in action. Thanks, Kriya and Alicia! I had a fabulous day!


Megan said...

CONGRATS Ashley!!! BODIE is so sweet!!! Happy for you guys! Enjoy every minute!
Love, Megan***

Jovens Católicos said...
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