Monday, August 29, 2011

Day to Day Stuff

I haven't posted in a while, but it's not because we haven't been doing anything! We're always on the go....I've just been a slacker with my camera. I finally threw my camera in Emery's diaper bag this morning to capture her playdate with her dear friend, Harper, who had been at the beach for a week. Emery missed her terribly! We met up at Gary Pittman Park, which is an adorable little playground surrounded by soccer and football fields. We've been frequenting this park at least twice per week for the past three weeks. In addition to lots of time at the park, we're still swimming at the pool bunches, taking gymnastics, etc. Ben has been out of town quite a bit for a golf tournament and a bachelor party (rough life) and I've had a few Junior League events. Emery and I went to visit my family in Atlanta while Ben was at the bachelor party and then we headed down to Atlanta again last weekend to co-host a shower for our friends, Bret and Sarah. Whew!

Emery chasing Harper

"Reunited and it feels so good!"

Best buds

Emery makes me laugh so much! She likes to walk around the perimeter of the park with one foot on the curb and one foot in the mulch. She really concentrates as she does this. For some reason, it's really funny to me.

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