Sunday, June 12, 2011

Our new niece!

My sister delivered her baby girl on Tuesday, June 7th at 1:09 pm. Emery and I drove down to Atlanta that morning so that we could be at Northside Hospital with the rest of our family when Kelsey Claire Stephens made her debut. What a wonderful day! Kelsey weighed in at 6 lbs, 4 oz and 20.25" long. She looks almost exactly like Hayes as a newborn. Alison and Kelsey are both at home and doing fabulously! Hayes is adjusting well to having a sister and daddy Brian is smitten with his little princess. Hayes and Emery practiced with Emery's baby dolls while in the waiting room

There she is!

Brian, Hayes, Dad, Nanny and Mom (in all their pink splendor) see baby Kelsey for the first time

Emery is fascinated with Kelsey. I've never seen her so still as when she was allowed to "hold" Kelsey. Five days later she is still asking "where baby Kelsey?" I guess she's hoping for a brother or sister soon!

Hayes was much more nonchalant about Kelsey. However, now that Kelsey is home, Hayes is a big help! He enjoys pushing Kelsey in her swing. Yikes!

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