Monday, February 28, 2011

Phun with Phinley!

My good friend, Debbie, and her little girl, Phinley, came to visit Emery and me last weekend. Debbie and Phinley live in Melbourne Beach, FL, and they brought the weather with them! We had so much fun exploring Greenville and just playing in our backyard. Phinley is just a few months older than Emery and they play so well together. Phinley is just as wild and crazy as Emery. They are fearless and got into all sorts of mischief. My sister dubbed them the "gruesome twosome." I couldn't agree more.

Emery on one of the bridges at Falls Park. She and Phinley enjoyed watching the ducks, geese and doggies. And running away from Debbie and me.
On Greenville's landmark, the Liberty Bridge.

Go Irish!

Debbie and Phinley enjoying the sunshine and people watching.

Emmy and Mommy

While Debbie and I were preparing lunch, the girls decided to join the fish in the Koi pond.

Naked lunchPlotting to go through the doggie door and back into the Koi pond once I locked them in the porch.
Thanks for coming to visit! Please come back soon.....Emery has been asking for "Phinney" all morning.

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