Monday, June 21, 2010

Emery's First Birthday Party

This picture pretty much sums up Emery's first birthday party.....I threw a small pizza and beer and cupcake party for family (Ben's parents were in town and my parents came up from Atlanta) and a few friends with babies right about the same age as Emery. Unfortunately, Emery was not in a good mood the evening of her party. I'm not sure what was wrong with her, but she'd been really sleepy all day and just not herself. Teething? Heat stroke? ;-) Ugh. I hope her fussiness didn't take away from the enjoyment of our guests. I was a frantic, stressed maniac during most of the party as I was worried about Emery and also freaking out that everyone was sick and tired of hearing a screaming baby. Emery is usually so cheerful and loves a party, especially when she is the center of attention. Anyways, by 10:30 that evening Emery had gotten her second wind and was back to her normal, happy self. She was running wild through the house and playing with all her new toys. Where was that baby during the party!?!?! Oh well. Live and learn.
Cuz came up to Greenville for the second time in one week to celebrate Emery's birthday again!

Bobbie Ann and Savanna

Casey and Davis

Nando and McKenna

Me and Tara

The happy babies! Casey with Davis and Tara with McKenna

Mom and Dad with their grandbabies

1 comment:

The Benich Family said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMERY!!!! We're so sad to miss the party, but it was for good reason. We were bringing home a new playmate for you (and June bday buddy!)
Hope you like the dress, it's auntie/cousin Kriya's favorite!! I bought it big so maybe it will work next year too? As a shirt if not a dress :) And then you and Bree can be twins (she has one for next summer!!!)
love, kriya