Monday, June 21, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

Although this was technically Ben's second Father's Day, it kind of felt like his first true Father's Day as Emery was only four days old last year when Father's Day rolled around. We had a GREAT day! I was so relieved when Emery woke up Sunday morning in the best mood ever (see previous post). Daddy made a delicious breakfast for his parents and me and then we headed to the pool for a few hours while we recorded the US Open. Emery loved every second she was at the pool, as did the rest of us. She wanted to dive off the swim team blocks, danced up a storm in The Grill, spent some time in her floatie, and had the undivided attention of her grandparents, mommy and daddy. She was in heaven! Chef Ben
Woke up on the right side of the crib, thank goodness!

Sporting her new bathing suit and coverup from Auntie Alison

The aqua socks crack me up! Thank goodness we had them.....I tossed them in the pool bag at the last second. The pavement around the pool was HOT!

Giving Daddy some sugar for Father's Day

My loves! And they just happen to be clones....


I had fun with you, Daddy! Happy Father's Day!

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