Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Emery's First Day of School...Taking K3 by Storm!

Emery's first day of school went off without a hitch!  Given her extreme anxiety at the K3 meet-n-greet last week, I was DREADING the first day of school.  However, she was perfectly fine!  A few minutes of hesitation at the very beginning of the day, but that's it.  We left her coloring with her boyfriend, Davis, and I picked her up to all smiles and chattering a million miles an hour.  She's there again right now....crossing my fingers for more of the same when I pick her up in an hour.
 A few nerves at the coloring table when Mommy and Daddy said their goodbyes...
 Fortunately, Davis was there to reassure her.

 Very animated conversation in the car on the way home.  She loved the playground and learning a new song about a rainbow fish (anyone know this song???)
 I had balloons waiting for Emery when we pulled in the driveway.  She loves balloons--the bigger the better.

This is the tote bag Emery helped decorate.  She takes the bag and her folder every day.  I think it's a great way for her teacher to share information.  I loved going through her bag yesterday and seeing what she did. 

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