Monday, October 25, 2010

Halloween Event at Atlanta Botanical Gardens

My sister and her husband are members of the Atlanta Botanical Gardens. Several weeks ago Alison informed me that the gardens would be all decked out for Halloween and hosting a parade and other kids' events (face painting, train rides, pumpkin decorating, etc.) on Sunday, October 24th. Emery and I had not been to Atlanta in over two months, which is a record for me, so we decided to head down and join Alison and Cuz for an afternoon in Piedmont Park. Gorgeous, albeit hot, weather!
Brian beat the heat by sipping on beers in the shade.

Cooling off under the mister

Emery really enjoyed playing in the sand and digging up dinosaur bones. The kids were supposed to be in costume, but with the weather being so toasty and Emery's costume consisting of a heavy felt skirt, I opted to put her in her skeleton jammies instead. Poor thing was still roasting, but at least she could move about without her bulky skirt getting in her way.

Just a tad crowded! I think 95% of Atlanta was at the park.

The Peter Rabbit exhibit was my favorite. Precious! And the garden is's full of lettuce, eggplant, pumpkins, etc. Super cute.

Emery thought running through this tunnel again and again was way cool. I think she got a kick out of her glowing skeleton. Too bad that doesn't show up in the pictures.

This just melted my heart! Emmy and Hayes held hands (briefly) while walking along the path. Unfortunately, things deteriorated by the end of our visit when Emery refused to share her potato chips with Hayes and then pinched him when I made her relinquish a chip. Hayes became super upset and would no longer ride in the wagon with Emery. They act like brother and sister!

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