Saturday, May 22, 2010

First Attempt at the Haywood Mall Play Area

Our pool doesn't open until Memorial Day weekend and today's weather is hot and muggy with the occasional shower thrown in. Having already been caught in a downpour once already today, I decided not to tempt fate again and headed to the mall for some indoor playtime with Emery. The thought of sweating and swatting mosquitoes while keeping Emmy from eating sand and ants just didn't sound very appealing. Unfortunately, most of Greenville had the same bright idea as me. Emery's first trip to the Haywood Mall play area was STRESSFUL!!! For me, not for her. She actually had a blast because she is fearless and was totally oblivious to the enormous nine year olds running around and barely missing plowing into her.

" I supposed to crawl through this tree?" (see aforementioned enormous 9 y.o. running in the background. Seriously, kid. Go someplace else. You are clearly over the height/weight restriction).
I realize her socks look a little silly....that sun bubble just wasn't meant for socks. But I knew that shoes weren't allowed in the play area and the thought of my child walking around barefoot in there gave me the willies. So we made a fashion sacrifice for hygiene.

Emery loved climbing on the steps and then sitting at the top of the slide, backing up traffic. It's difficult to explain playground etiquette to an eleven month old. But she finally went down the slide...and again....and again...and again.


We will definitely visit the play area again, but probably not on a weekend. Ben would be so proud of me....I didn't buy a thing! I actually intended to buy a chai latte from Starbucks, but the line was wrapped around the food court. The mall was like Christmas Eve. I barely found a parking spot. What recession!?

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