Saturday, October 15, 2011

Pumpkin Decorating with Cinderella

Emery has recently reached the age of fascination with all things girly. Don't get me wrong, she still loves to wallow in mud and play with trains. However, she is all about princesses, jewelry and makeup lately. She's also really into Halloween this year. So, what could be finer than combining all of these things into one fabulous morning with her BFF, Harper? Nothing! Thanks to Club Tabby, Emery and Harper were able to decorate pumpkins with Cinderella, have glitter sprayed in their hair, get a manicure, and eat a delicious pumpkin cake pop. HEAVEN! For those of you wondering what on earth Club Tabby is, here you go:

Emery and Harper with their naked pumpkins

Cinderella visited with each girl to help her decorate

Emery's pumpkin ended up with purple hair, a pink crown and jewels on its face.

Emery was in awe of Cinderella

Chatting up a storm

After the decorating, Cinderella led the girls on a parade through the lower level of the mall to show off their bedazzled gourds.

Emery chose "lellow" for her nail polish color

Admiring her nails in the mirror

The super cute (and apparently yummy--Emery and Harper wolfed them down) pumpkin cake pops. Capri Suns were also served. Club Tabby really did a fabulous job with this little party.

Digging in...

What a fun morning! I would have been obsessed with a store like Club Tabby when I was a little girl. I have a feeling we'll be spending lots of time there in the future.

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