Monday, September 12, 2011

Thornblade Member-Member Golf Tournament

Ben and our good friend, Reggie, participated in our club's annual member-member golf tournament this past weekend. The festivities kicked off Thursday evening and lasted all day and night Friday, Saturday and Sunday. Although a huge time commitment, the tournament is a lot of fun, even for the wives. Our reward for being stuck at home with the kids all weekend is a great party every evening. Bonus: Ben and Reggie won their flight and made the playoffs, which means they each earned a little money. Woohoo! Oh, and a really nice silver platter.

Casey and I foolishly decided to follow Reggie and Ben on Sunday with Emery and Davis in tow. Bad idea, but we wanted the kids to see their daddies playing so well. Above: Ben listening as the official explains the rules of the playoff. Below: Casey attempting the keep the kids quiet as the guys tee off.

Although messy, this was a quiet activity, so we let them have at it. Emery and Davis killed time at each hole by filling our golf cart with leaves and sand.

Reggie and Ben with their awards at the final dinner.


Their scores

Casey and I really deserve the platters for basically being single mothers for four days.

Glad you had fun, Ben, because I don't see another golf tournament in your future for a very long time!

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