Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Children's Museum

Emery and I spent a rainy Friday at The Children's Museum with Harper and Davis. So much fun! This was our first time visiting The Children's Museum and we will definitely be back. We stayed for over three hours and I had to drag Emery out of there. We only left because she was soaking wet from the water table exhibit. Next time I'll know to bring a change of clothes.
Emery and Harper at the ball maze

Emery and Davis waiting for the contraption to suck their balls into the tube and zoom through the maze.

Emery and Davis in the wind tunnel

Safety first! This picture makes me laugh....Emery looks just Ben! Daddy wears safety glasses when he's on the floor at work.

Emery and Harper on the racecar

Future pit crew member? Let's hope she gets to work for Carl Edwards so I can meet him! ;-)

The mini grocery store is adorable

Emery the cashier

Look at that focus....employee of the month!

Harper and Emery on the rock wall window

Davis, Emery and Harper in the country kitchen

A giant Lite Brite! Remember those?

A piano like "Big!"

Emery driving the recycling truck. Emery (and Maddux) enjoy watching our trash and recycling bins get picked up every Thursday, so getting to see how it's done up close and personal was a treat.

Brush your teeth!

Last stop...the water table. Those smocks did nothing to keep Emery dry!


On our way out....Davis and Harper are totally dry. Emery was so wet that I had to take her clothes off.

Wet and exhausted!

We only hit up the exhibits for children under age 5. The Children's Museum has many other activities for older kids as well. Plus, the cafe is operated by my favorite deli here in Greenville, Saffron's! What a great day!

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