Sunday, January 9, 2011


Emery has been attending a Kindermusik class one a week since September. She adores this class and I find it very fun, too. The other moms are really sweet and their kids are pretty cute. I have to admit that I was a little apprehensive about this class because I am a horrible singer and didn't want to a) subject Emery to my voice and, b) embarrass myself. Turns out Emery doesn't seem to mind the fact that I can't carry a tune in a bucket and the other moms seem very non-judgemental. Or maybe they just wait until I leave to make fun of me. ;-) This week was Emery's last class with this particular group as she is moving up a level next semester. I am sad to say goodbye to her classmates and their mommies, but I am thankful that Miss Cindy will still be Emery's teacher. Miss Cindy is brilliant and great with the kids. Plus, she has a really pretty voice that helps drown me out. Ben's mom came to class with us on our last day and took some pictures.

For anyone looking for an activity to do with your child (I think Kindermusik goes from 4 months to 7 years of age), I strongly suggest this class. Emery has so much fun and has learned a lot. Girl's got rhythm!

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